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Voinţa poporului constituie baza puterii de stat. Această voinţă se exprimă prin alegeri libere, care au loc periodic prin sufragiu universal, egal, direct, secret şi liber exprimat. Statul garantează exprimarea voinţei libere a cetăţenilor prin apărarea principiilor democratice şi a normelor dreptului electoral.


Site last update:
Joi, 10 octombrie 2019
First page  »  Presentation  »  Mandate

    In its activity the CEC is assisted by a staff, having the structure and the maximum number of employees as agreed by the Commission. The staff is comprised of civil servants, subjected to the regulations of the Law No. 158/2008 on civil service and statute of civil servants and of contractual staff, carrying out ancillary activities subjected to labour legislation regulations.


    The structure of the CEC Staff includes a chief of staff, 6 divisions and 2 autonomous services. According to the approved numeric composition of the staff, the Staff has 37 units, currently occupied by 20 women and 8 men, with most employees aged between 25 and 40.

    First page  »  Presentation  »  Mandate

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